SeleniumWeb automation using Robot Framework from scratch -Setup

Khemlall Mangal
3 min readMay 20, 2022

Setting up robot framework from scratch and learn how to write your first test case, then talk about how to handle input, select radio buttons, checkboxes, drop-downs, how to run multiple browsers, handle alerts and more!.

This support acceptance driven development framework. Designed for acceptance testing, normally done by customer or user. It allows anyone to use the keyword to write their acceptance testing.

Robot Framework has many built in library and external library to test almost anything you would like to test.

This is Keyword Driven. The keyword is connected to Code backend that is executed to perform the desired action. You will see this in greater length as we get further into this.

Download Python:
Download Pycharm Ide (Community edition) :

Open Pycharm -> if it is the first time you will see the different screen just select your preferences and then create a new project. In my case, I had another project so I will click on a new project.


Give it a name, i will call mine robotframeworktraining

Once you have clicked create, it should start creating your project.

Open CMD window — type the command pip — version to ensure you have pip install. Also check that you have python install python — version command.

installing Selenium: pip install selenium

Install Robot Framework: pip install robotframework

Check to see if it is installed etc with command above.. pip show robotframework etc.

Next we will need to install robotframeworkselenium library

Pip install robotframework-seleniumlibrary

if you want to uninstall it you can use the uninstall option

Install the following packages in PYCHARM IDE

Click add (plus sign) and then add the name of the package you want to search for. type robotframework select and click install package.

Robot framework selenium library:

Next we need to install intelligent plugin for pycharm, when you create robot-related file, we need to have ide to identify the robot framework files.



Khemlall Mangal

I am a passionate coder, QA Engineer, and someone who enjoys the outdoors.