Learn Dev-ops Series- Re-architect app to use AWS services.

Khemlall Mangal
3 min readOct 28, 2022

Let Re-architect to use AWS services rather than how we did it via lift and shift series.

Here we are going to learn what we can use from aws to replace those services such as RABBITMQ memcache etc….Look at the diagram below to see

STEP 1: CREATE A KEY PAIR FOR ELASTIC BEANSTALK. Not necessary but good for when you want to log in and debug

Go to EC2 -> Left pane look for key pairs -> Create a Key Pair

Step 2: Create a Security Group for our backend .. -> Go to Ec2 and on the left you will see security Groups.

a) Create Security Group -> Vprofile-backend-SG — add rule (inbound only) 22 allow from my ip

b) all_traffic allowed by it own security group.

Eventually the backed will end up having a few additonal entry:

Step 2:

Create and RDS database — in this case MYSQL… but suggest amazon aurora.

First create subnet group- example

Create parameter Groups:

Once Created you will have list of Parameter groups

Next let create our RDS database;

choose Free-tier for now -> msql 5.7 ->database setting add name and password… keep those save as you will need them.

Storage -> general purpose — avaiability Multi az deployment select your security group — need a databse name account which we will initialize.

Next Create Elastic Cache to replace the memcache.

Amazon MQ service

Stay tune for update

bean stack deployment



Khemlall Mangal

I am a passionate coder, QA Engineer, and someone who enjoys the outdoors.