Conditionals Cheat Sheet

Khemlall Mangal
1 min readApr 16, 2022


Conditionals Cheat Sheet

In earlier videos, we took a look at some of the built-in Python operators that allow us to compare values, and some logical operators we can use to combine values. We also learned how to use operators in if-else-elif blocks.

It’s a lot to learn but, with practice, it gets easier to remember it all. In the meantime, this handy cheat sheet gives you all the information you need at a glance.

Comparison operators

  • a == b: a is equal to b
  • a != b: a is different than b
  • a < b: a is smaller than b
  • a <= b: a is smaller or equal to b
  • a > b: a is bigger than b
  • a >= b: a is bigger or equal to b

Logical operators

  • a and b: True if both a and b are True. False otherwise.
  • a or b: True if either a or b or both are True. False if both are False.
  • not a: True if a is False, False if a is True.

Branching blocks

In Python, we branch our code using if, else and elif. This is the branching syntax:



Khemlall Mangal
Khemlall Mangal

Written by Khemlall Mangal

I am a passionate coder, QA Engineer, and someone who enjoys the outdoors.

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